Sunday, December 23, 2007
Happy Christmas!
I may write more when we get to California, but most likely the next update on our newlywed adventures will recommence after January 4, 2008 when we are scheduled to be back in Lakewood.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Long week...
Last night we headed over to the bowling alley on post, where I managed to bowl a 155, with a bum finger and all. I pinched a nerve on my first frame of the night.
This weekend we are going to play it pretty easy. We are going to head up to Renton to go to the Fry's in the hopes of buying a Nintendo Wii, we'll see if we actually find one. Spc D is starting WLC (Warrior Leader Course) in January so we are also going to go buy all of his supplies this weekend.
We hope everyone is doing well, and we miss our families so much and can't wait to see everyone in the next couple of weeks.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Bye Mom, Bye Dad
Friday, December 07, 2007
Guess who's coming for dinner?

My PARENTS!!! I am so excited to see them, it feels like it has been years, when it really hasn't even been two months. This is the longest in my entire life that I have gone without seeing my parents, and considering how close I am with them, that is a really long time.
We are going to have so much fun, I have a great weekend planned for them. Today when they get here we are going to go on post, mainly because my mom has never seen a military post before, but also because we plan to do a little x-mas shopping at the PX while we are there. Then tonight we are going to have dinner in Tacoma at a restaurant called Johnny's Dock. I am pretty excited as the restaurant comes highly recommended.
Tomorrow we are going to get up early (much to the chagrin of Spc D), and head into Seattle. We are going to visit the Space Needle, and hopefully mom's fear of heights won't kick in, then we are going to head to Pike's Place for lunch, followed up with a visit to the REI flagship store in Seattle for my dad. For dinner we are going to head back into Tacoma for dinner at the Sea Grill, also highly recommended.
On Sunday, they are leaving on a 4pm flight, so I was thinking it might be fun to actually get a look at Tacoma and visit the Glass Museum there. It looks pretty awesome with live glass blowing, which has always fascinated me, every day. I can't wait to see them, and in the meantime, I better get myself in gear, I need to vacuum (again) and mop my floors before they get here. I want everything to be perfect for their visit!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Something to Celebrate!
This opportunity is going to allow us to start saving and it will also allow us to do a few more things than we thought would be possible in the coming years. So we are really excited about it. Last night Spc D took me out to celebrate at our favorite Mexican restaurant up here, Azteca. Even Spc D likes it, and seeing as he is from New Mexico, I think that speaks rather highly for the restaurant.
I am going to enjoy my last 5 days of not working by knitting, reading my latest Clive Custler novel, cooking some delicious meals for my hubby and hanging out with my parents this weekend when they come up for their visit.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
First Snow, First Fire
The first snow brought with it our first fire. Let me tell you, we have tried to make a fire on three other occasions, but this time, like the snow, it stuck! Our apartment is warm and cozy right now, and we have my wonderful husbands made fire making skills to thank for that.
We had a lot of fun this weekend. We did the vast majority of our Christmas shopping, and what we didn't finish, we know what we are getting for those people. We also went bowling last night, we bowled a total of 8 games and with the exception of one we scored over 100 each time, we are going to aim for 150 next time. I have a feeling the bowling is going to become a regular thing for us. I have to say though, I have never seen so many guys in a bowling alley trip oer their tongues all at the same time, as I did last night. The Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders showed up to bowl a few games and sign autographs, even Spc D forgot for a few moments who he was with and ogled over them. All in all we had a great weekend, and are really looking forward to next weekend when my parents come up for the weekend.