When I was younger (I know, I know, I am young now, but when I was even younger!), my mom used to get on my case about the amount of sleep I got. In her eyes I didn't sleep enough. I would stay up really late, doing whatever, and then get up relatively early. I was a zombie all day and at times really unhappy or grumpy (there's another word for it, but I won't use it here).
I am finally starting to understand the value and importance of sleep. I am going to school full-time, substitute teaching part-time, and I'm a full-time wife/friend/cook/housekeeper/laundress/daughter/etc. On top of all that I am dealing with the emotional highs and (mostly) lows of being married to someone who is gearing up for deployment. While he is excited about getting maced, tazed, and shot with bean bags, I am sitting here thinking "why on earth would anyone be excited about that!?!" Keeping all of this in mind, I haven't really been sleeping all that well for the last week or so. I've been having nightmares, waking up at 3 in the morning and finding myself unable to fall back to sleep. I reached the point yesterday when I realized that I had done all my reading for my classes and couldn't remember one thing that I had read. That in and of itself is a big problem as my teachers have the expectation that not only will you read, but you will be able to discuss what you read in an intelligent manner!
Last night we went to bed around 11 pm. I know it is late, but I don't even get home on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 10:30ish. I only woke up once last night and I didn't have any bad dreams. I felt wonderful when I woke up this morning. I felt ready to face the day and felt a lot more positive about life than I have felt this last week. Sleep is an amazing remedy for a lot of things and I just want to use this platform to say to my mom, in front of the world (well really the people who actually bother to read my blog)...YOU WERE RIGHT!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I have been having a lot of nightmares lately. Go figure, my husband is getting ready for deployment and I'm not sleeping well. That combined with my stressful class schedule this term, it is a wonder I am getting any sleep at all.

P.S. As I write this post it has started to rain and the snow has begun melting away...
This morning when I woke up, as I was making my bed, the color white caught my eye. I normally don't open my blinds until after I have taken my shower and really started my day (mainly because I live on the first floor and don't really want people peeping in on me when I'm getting dressed). Today though, I opened my blinds first thing, and when I opened them I saw white every where. In the past year I have only woken up to snow a handful of times, and for some reason this time I felt really inspired by it. Maybe because I am trying to find beauty in my surroundings today or maybe because I need a little inspiration to power through.
Whatever the reason, here are the results: I took some photographs of a beautiful holly bush and the plant next to it just outside my back porch. I hope you like them.
P.S. As I write this post it has started to rain and the snow has begun melting away...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Four nights a week I am not home for dinner. It bothers me a lot that I do not get to enjoy a meal with my husband on these days, especially in light of his upcoming deployment. Instead of focusing on how much it bugs me, I have started to invest extra effort in the meals that I cook for him ahead of time. On Sunday nights I go through my cookbooks (for the first time Sgt D did this with me yesterday) and I pick out recipes that I will cook during the week and I make my shopping list.
Monday mornings I go grocery shopping, which I find oddly relaxing. I usually have to make two trips, one to the PX (post exchange - kinda like a big Walmart with no food) and one to the Commissary (the grocery store on post). Then I come home and put everything away. Around noon everyday before I make my lunch I start cooking Sgt D's dinner. Today it was a Chicken Tex-Mex Casserole. Tomorrow it will be a beef stew. I try to make things that don't require him to do very much beyond putting something in the oven or turning off the crock pot. He works hard all day and the last thing he wants to do is come home and learn to cook.
It is weird though, I have begun to really enjoy these meals I make for him. Trying to find good recipes that won't require to much work on his part has been fun (if you have any please send them my way). I also like the nice break it provides in my days, which are usually spent doing nothing but homework. It is also a great challenge every week, trying to keep things new, interesting and delicious.
Monday mornings I go grocery shopping, which I find oddly relaxing. I usually have to make two trips, one to the PX (post exchange - kinda like a big Walmart with no food) and one to the Commissary (the grocery store on post). Then I come home and put everything away. Around noon everyday before I make my lunch I start cooking Sgt D's dinner. Today it was a Chicken Tex-Mex Casserole. Tomorrow it will be a beef stew. I try to make things that don't require him to do very much beyond putting something in the oven or turning off the crock pot. He works hard all day and the last thing he wants to do is come home and learn to cook.
It is weird though, I have begun to really enjoy these meals I make for him. Trying to find good recipes that won't require to much work on his part has been fun (if you have any please send them my way). I also like the nice break it provides in my days, which are usually spent doing nothing but homework. It is also a great challenge every week, trying to keep things new, interesting and delicious.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Washer and Dryer
Call me weird if you want...well most of you already have at some point in my life...but I really love the sound of the washer and the dryer. I do all my laundry while I am doing my homework throughout the week. At least one load every two days, I know this sounds like a lot considering we don't have kids, but Sgt D wears two different uniforms a day and his PT uniforms need to be cleaned immediately or they start to smell something awful! I find the noise the machines make to be relaxing and they lull me into a good working frame of mind.
Maybe it is the rhythmic sound the dryer makes dropping the clothes in a circle and the zippers and buttons hitting the sides, but there is something about it that I find kind of relaxing and peaceful. I'll have to ask my parents on day if I was one of those babies had to be put in the car or on top of a running washer to soothe them to sleep. I know I sleep great in the car, anyone who has gone on a long car ride with me can attest to that fact, but I don't know about the washing machine thing...
Maybe it is the rhythmic sound the dryer makes dropping the clothes in a circle and the zippers and buttons hitting the sides, but there is something about it that I find kind of relaxing and peaceful. I'll have to ask my parents on day if I was one of those babies had to be put in the car or on top of a running washer to soothe them to sleep. I know I sleep great in the car, anyone who has gone on a long car ride with me can attest to that fact, but I don't know about the washing machine thing...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
There are few moments in our history, where the entire country sat in front of the television, somewhat united and watched an event with bated breath. I am certain that today is one of those days. It is historic. The first person of color is being sworn in to the Office of President of the United States of America.
Not only is this a historic moment, but it is a positive one. The last time, in my short life, that I can remember a moment like this it was 9/11. It was not a positive moment in our Nation's history, but it did unite us as a country.
President Obama has the hopes and dreams of an entire country in the palm of his hands, and he is on the largest stage the world has to offer. For those of us in the military it is a different moment altogether. It is a moment filled with anxiety. There are so many rumors and concerns floating around about pay cuts, scaling back the military, pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan before either country is secure. Some people worry whether or not they will be able to re-enlist, some people are worried that they will not receive the re-enlistment bonuses that they are counting on to pay off debt or to put a down payment on a home.
I would like to wish President Obama good luck in his future endeavors as the president of our nation and I will stay positive, that as a military wife he will try to operate with our best interests at heart, considering the many sacrifices our military has made for this country the past 8 years.
Not only is this a historic moment, but it is a positive one. The last time, in my short life, that I can remember a moment like this it was 9/11. It was not a positive moment in our Nation's history, but it did unite us as a country.
President Obama has the hopes and dreams of an entire country in the palm of his hands, and he is on the largest stage the world has to offer. For those of us in the military it is a different moment altogether. It is a moment filled with anxiety. There are so many rumors and concerns floating around about pay cuts, scaling back the military, pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan before either country is secure. Some people worry whether or not they will be able to re-enlist, some people are worried that they will not receive the re-enlistment bonuses that they are counting on to pay off debt or to put a down payment on a home.
I would like to wish President Obama good luck in his future endeavors as the president of our nation and I will stay positive, that as a military wife he will try to operate with our best interests at heart, considering the many sacrifices our military has made for this country the past 8 years.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sgt D and I are the biggest bums on the weekend. We get up around 10 am usually, but we don't really seem to accomplish anything until much much later in the day. Today, Sgt D decided to completely rearrange our office in light of all the new gear he got and the lack of room in our apartment. 5 hours later...the office looks pretty good. Let me tell you, it took a lot of compromise to make what few changes we did make, but at least we didn't have any major fights (which is usually what happens when he starts organizing!).
It still looks like a military clothing and sale store blew up in our office, but that should only last a couple of more weeks...I hope.
Tonight we are going to catch a movie, we figure on a Sunday night, how crowded can it really be. Via three day weekends!!!
It still looks like a military clothing and sale store blew up in our office, but that should only last a couple of more weeks...I hope.
Tonight we are going to catch a movie, we figure on a Sunday night, how crowded can it really be. Via three day weekends!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sgt D got orders this week to go Down Range. I can't post anything about it here, other than to let you know that it has finally happened. I fully plan to respect all Op Sec rules regarding this future deployment and want our friends and family to know that we will keep them informed through other means of any developments. I am ok. I had a hard time dealing with it earlier in the week, but we knew it was coming for sometime. Although, even though we had an idea, having it in writing was still a difficult thing to handle.
I am eternally grateful to my family and friends who have listened to me cry this week. I'm sure over the next several months you will get more phone calls from me just asking you to listen. I know that I signed up for this when I married someone in the military, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with and I certainly do not need to be reminded of that and I would like to thank everyone for not taking any cheap shots at me by reminding me of that fact.
This is probably the first time in my life I have ever looked forward to starting school so much, as it is an excellent distraction. I am also trying to re-pick up my hobbies of quilting and knitting (not that I ever really stopped knitting). I am having my sewing machine serviced and it will be ready by tomorrow evening and my mom is being generous to give me some quilting kits to work on for her, which I am really excited about. Anything to keep my mind from wandering to places it does not belong.
Please keep Sgt D and his fellow soldiers in your hearts and prayers these next few months as they prepare for their deployment.
I am eternally grateful to my family and friends who have listened to me cry this week. I'm sure over the next several months you will get more phone calls from me just asking you to listen. I know that I signed up for this when I married someone in the military, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with and I certainly do not need to be reminded of that and I would like to thank everyone for not taking any cheap shots at me by reminding me of that fact.
This is probably the first time in my life I have ever looked forward to starting school so much, as it is an excellent distraction. I am also trying to re-pick up my hobbies of quilting and knitting (not that I ever really stopped knitting). I am having my sewing machine serviced and it will be ready by tomorrow evening and my mom is being generous to give me some quilting kits to work on for her, which I am really excited about. Anything to keep my mind from wandering to places it does not belong.
Please keep Sgt D and his fellow soldiers in your hearts and prayers these next few months as they prepare for their deployment.
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