Saturday, May 14, 2011

18 Months

Note: This post would have gone up on the 12th, but blogger was down for almost a full day and I wasn't feeling well yesterday.

Toddler D is now 18 months old. She is a HANDFUL!!!  In a good way most of the time. 

The Amazing Shrinking Giraffe
Here are some cool "milestones" we have reached since her 15 month appointment:

  1. She can climb out of the crib if left in there without her modified sleep sack on (ok this one isn't cool AT ALL but it is a milestone!)
  2. She has all sorts of new words. Here are some of Sgt D's and my favorites: WOW, Geez, Gosh, Baba (that is Grandpa), mail, park, wee (swing), boo boo (which is poo poo), and boo (which is boo boo).  
  3. She is a climber!  She will climb on ANYTHING. God help us when we move into the new house with the STAIRS. 
  4. She is taller than the kitchen counters and does not always remember that fact.
  5. She now rides the big girl swings and as of Thursday she likes to jump off mid-swing - yes mommy just about had a heart attack!
  6. She loves bath time and blowing bubbles in the tub - but she only seems to like it when daddy gives her a bath, when mommy does she screams the whole time and wants OUT!
  7. She will only eat meals now if we have her music playing, she sways to the beat while she eats - at least she has rhythm. 
  8. When mama is gone she demands mama the whole time, when dada is gone she demands dada all day long. Needless to say, mama hears "dada" all day long during the week and is constantly saying the words "Dada is at work".
  9. She knows the google video chat ring means that she will get to see Nana and as soon as the computer makes the noise she starts saying "Nana" over and over again :)
  10. We have officially started potty training!  She has the interest and hopefully soon the desire and we can stop doing cloth diapers! That would be this mommy's dream come true!
Those are just a few of her recent milestones and silly things she does. Toddler D is so much fun and brings so much joy to our lives.

Dada's Hiking Buddy

Mama's Playmate

Monday, May 02, 2011

Life Goes On...

Yesterday someone died.  Someone who did horrible things to countless people died. I am not going to celebrate his death anymore than I would celebrate his life. Instead I am going to tell you that life goes on.

People in the army are still deployed, his death is not going to have them come home any earlier.  If anything, his death could mean even more deaths of American men and women as a backlash from his supporters. Life goes on for these men and women, they are still on the FOB waiting in line for a phone or a computer to talk to a loved one at home.

My daughter is still sick and we are still struggling to get a mental and emotional handle on the situation. She is still a bright light in our lives.  Her life GOES ON.

Spinning circles in her new driveway

Sgt D and I continue construction on our house. As of yesterday our closing date is May 26th and we plan to be 100% moved in (let's not talk about unpacked) by the end of Memorial Day Weekend.  Our lives GO ON.

In the big scheme of things, nothing has changed other than the "face" of evil and hate has died.  My hope and prayer for this country and for this country's soldiers is that we can find a way to move forward from this incident that does not involve the loss of anymore lives, from either side of this ongoing conflict.  Even one more death is too many.