One of my readers asked me today when I was going to start blogging again (ok, really it was my dad, but he reads my blog, so he counts as one of my readers!), and I told him maybe tomorrow. A lot of things lately keep getting that answer because I have been so busy trying to maintain. With all the health issues going on, I was thinking to myself last week that things couldn't get much worse...then my mom called my husband to find out if I was home from work, turns out I was home and she was calling to tell me my Papa died. This isn't the first time I have had a grandparent pass away, in fact, my Papa was my last living grandparent, but this is the first time I have been away from my family and the vast majority of my support structure. I think I have dealt with all of this pretty well, I've cried a few times, baked a whole lot of cookies and started a new knitting project in the effort of keeping myself busy. This is also the first funeral I am going to miss. Everyone feels that in light of my new job and my current health concerns that getting on an airplane and dealing with altitude changes is probably not the best idea ever. I'm very sad I will not be there with my family.
I love my family and I really wish I could do more, other than be a shoulder over the phone. I also promise to be a better blogger and to start blogging about the fun adventures Aaron and I have been having. Starting with the fact that we have had two dinners made with...wait for it...FISH! Even more shocking than that is the fact that I actually liked it. I may yet survive the latest diet imposed on me by the medical world.
1 comment:
Mrs. D, everyone knows you care, sometimes you cannot physically be where you want to be. When my grandfather's second wife passed away, none of us were able to be there for a variety of reasons. You support from a distance, look after your own health and get yoour blog on! Mr. L
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