I really do love to bake, don't get me wrong, I love to cook too, but baking makes other people happy and as I seldom eat what I bake, I love that what I bake makes other people happy. When I was down in California last month, my mom gave me a new book called Cookies, by Martha Stewart. Last week I made the Snicker Doodles from the book and as they didn't have chocolate in them I actually partook of a couple and they were quite delicious. Today I am making the chocolate chip cookies from the book, sadly I will not be trying any, as I do not want to tempt the migraine fates. I will have to wait until Cpl D gets home to find out if they are any good, but from the first batch to come out of the oven they are the right color and they smell divine :)
Since I haven't been working (one whole week now) I have baked cookies a total of four times. Once for Cpl D because he had duty and I always like to bake for him and the other soldiers he is on duty with. I figure it is the least I can do for the guys when they have to stay up for 36 hours straight. I baked peanut butter and chocolate cookie for a soldier friend of Cpl D's that is stationed in Korea and I also baked oatmeal cookies for a soldier friend of ours that is stationed in Iraq (I'm friends with his wife).
I swear if I could find a way to make money off of my baking and photography I would be a very happy woman. If you can figure out a way, let me know :)
Take artistic photos of the cookies and sell them(either one or both).
ditto to what ken said.
take pictures of the cookies you make and start a baking blog with recipes, tips, etc.
maybe you'll be famous like Martha Stewart.
just don't go to prison like she did.
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