When I was 15 years old 30 seemed really old, now that I'm turning 27 in a week and a half it doesn't seem so old anymore. My perspective has changed. Another thing that has changed about age is that before I moved to Washington I used to be the youngest. I was the youngest person in my family being the baby and all, I was the youngest person on my team at work until right before I left and hired my replacement, I was the youngest of my of my friends (give or take a month), I was just used to being the youngest. Now though, I'm the oldest, and there are a few people who seem more than happy to remind me of that fact.
A couple of weeks ago we moved into our new apartment, it is a really awesome place, much bigger and in a newer part of the complex. Most of Cpl D's platoon came to help us move and with the exception of one guy who had been in the army over 15 years, I was older than every person who came over. Including two NCOs and an Officer who outranked Cpl D! Most people don't realize that I'm 27 years old (for all intents and purposes), I can admit that when I don't put anytime into my looks, I can pass for a teenager, but when a 20 year old says to me upon finding out my age "Oh WOW! You're OLD!!!" I have to say I was a bit taken back. I have never thought of myself as old before. My grandparents are old, not me, but as the title of this post says, age is a matter of perspective, and for a 20 year old 30 probably seems old, and as I'm a lot closer to it now than I ever was before in my life, I guess in his eyes...I'm old.
...I can't believe I just said that :)
You are a youngster :-)
It beats the alternative.
I just turned 50...which is the new 40 or something like that. And some guy (older than me) the other day called me "Miss"...When you get to a certain age something like that completely makes your day!
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