My big fat love of a cat bit me today! I am a little upset about this but then again he feels like he is being violated and I am the one doing the violating...although it all happens to be for his own good. Anyone who has ever met Patches would say that he has a few issues, he is severely over-weight, he is anti-people, and lives almost exclusively under our bathroom sink. Also, when you put him in his cat carrier he howls and it actually sounds like he is meowing the word "NO!"
His reason for biting me is that he was in a scissor lock between my legs having a pill shoved down his throat. Now all of this I assure you was for his own good. My dear love Patches has developed Hyperthyroidism, which in a cat can be very dangerous and can result in death. In most cats, although not Patches, it can result in severe loss of weight (obvious from the picture above and the severely depressed couch cushion, that he is not suffering from that side effect), depression and an overall lack of activity in the cat. It can also result in liver damage. With the exception of the weight loss Patches has all these side effects.
As of Friday, August 1st, which also happens to be my dad's birthday, Patches has started medication which should hopefully reverse all the side effects, including the liver damage and restore him to full health. Keep your fingers crossed that Patches will get healthy and that I will get to keep all of my fingers in the process of getting him healthy!
1 comment:
I feel for you. Our cat is having "kidney" problems and we are having to put an iv in her twice a week. Mr. L has to deal with putting the needle in the cat while I hold her. We will find out if this has helped in a week...Shudder.
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