Monday, September 15, 2008

Allergies part 2

Wheat, Eggs, & Milk...what do these three items have in common? They are all things I am not allowed to enjoy for at least the next two weeks, and maybe longer :(

My new allergist wants to see if the reason I get so many headaches, among other issues, could be caused by these foods. It is seriously depressing, and might I add expensive to find foods that do not contain these products in them. I am, however, giving it the college try, I figure I owe myself that much to figure out what the true cause of all my headaches may be.

Yesterday Sgt D and I made a trip, for the first time since moving up here, to Trader Joes. They are so wonderful there. They let us taste food before buying it, and told us about their return policy, which can be easily summed up "if you don't like, return it, no questions asked." The other thing they did that I really appreciated was taking us on a brief tour of the store to show us some of the items they carry that I can still eat, and they also printed out a comprehensive list of their gluten free products. There are still somethings on the list that I can't eat because they still have milk or eggs in them, but at least it gave me a starting point.

Here is a list of some of the things I was able to find:
  • Brown Rice Tortillas (actually pretty good, this is what we got to taste in the store)
  • Brown Rice Pasta (last nights dinner, and it tastes just like regular pasta)
  • Brown Rice Bread (this one will require some adjusting too, but at least I can still have some form of bread)
  • Egg free mayonnaise (thank GOD!)
  • Dairy free margarine (haven't tasted it yet, but looking forward to it)
  • Wheat free cereal - Puffins Cinnamon flavor (I have the feeling this will become snack food)
  • Soy Milk, plain & vanilla flavor (Sgt D said he won't be drinking this, so I'll still be buying regular milk too - I can't expect him to follow the diet too, that would be cruel)
  • Wheat free sweet & sour sauce

Sgt D is being pretty wonderful about all this, trying a vast majority of the foods without complaint. He will still have anything he wants for breakfast & lunch, but dinner he (and I) are going to have to adjust to this new diet.

Wish me luck that I can actually stick to this...


Anonymous said...

There are some awesome blogs out there that deal with gluten free stuff. I have a friend who is gluten free and I have learned about gluten free vodka :)

Ken said...

Be careful with the gluten-free vodka, it can give you a different kind of headache!