Sunday, February 28, 2010

2 months down

SGT D has been gone for two months and here's what I've learned:

1. The term friendship means different things to different people. It is a lot more flexible for some people than others.

2. I am stronger than I ever imagined - both physically and emotionally. It is amazing what you can accomplish when there are no men around to help you... Not to mention when you have a 16 lb baby to carry around everywhere.

3. Family is important - and the definition of family is flexible. You can surround yourself with people who become an extended family when yours cannot be there.

4. Smiles are priceless and one smile in the morning can make up for an entire night of screaming :D

5. You can either let a deployment beat you or you can beat a deployment. It is all about attitude and outlook. If you face it as only a year and lately the years have been flying by at lightening speed, then it really is not that long.

6. You can accomplish more than you ever thought possible if you empower yourself. Give yourself permission to solve problems on your own and you will be able to! So far I have filed our taxes, sold and bought a car on my own. Next month...paying off Sgt D's truck!

7. It is ok to let yourself feel down once in awhile. You do not have to be a rock all the time, give yourself permission to cry, just do not make it an every day occurrence or the deployment will begin to beat you and you cannot allow that!

8. Grandparents are awesome! As are next door neighbors!

1 comment:

Ashley DeLayo said...

You are an amazing woman and this post has given me stregnth. Thank you for sharing!