Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Temper Temper

So I guess it is possible to say, and perhaps justifiably so, that I have a temper.  A big bad hot temper.  It could also be said that when someone sets off my temper that I go for the throat/kill shot.  I do not know how to hold back when my temper goes off, I just say whatever comes to mind.

This is all quite unfortunate because if I have been irked for a few days at a person and they finally manage to put that tiny little straw on my already upset temper and it snaps I unleash everything I was balling up inside of me in one fell swoop.  Maybe you could compare me to a sleepy lioness or tigress. I am pretty to look at from afar, but do not upset me or I will use my jaws to rip out your jugular and then I will eat you for my mid-day snack.

In fact my temper is so bad at times that Sgt D actually remarked today that there are times when he wonders which one of us actually deployed to Afghanistan, seeing as his anger issues are at times nothing compared to mine.

Obviously this is something I need to work on. Mainly because this time next year I am going to have a two year old and GOD FORBID I unleash my temper on her.  Mind you my temper is not of the violent type. Simply the type where I need to learn to hold my tongue in my mouth and breath for 10 minutes prior to speaking.

NOTE: I am not putting this out there for advice or for funny jokes at my expense, I am merely holding myself accountable for the things I do and trying to better myself for my wonderful family. They deserve a wife and mommy that is nice and can keep a civil tongue in her head.

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