Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Survived!

I made it successfully through my first two days of substituting. I covered for a nutrition and health class (x3 periods), two ELL (English Language Learners) classes, steel drums (x2 periods) and concert band. I have now been experienced teaching in the high school and teaching in the middle school. I have to be honest, I preferred the high school. I know that everyone says high school kids are not the ideal age group, but I have to be honest, they are easier to talk to, and I didn't feel that there was nearly as much drama. All the classes I have covered so far, with the exception of the ELL classes, have been electives so that could also be why it has been so great the past two days. The middle schoolers kept me going the entire day, the only time I sat down was at the end of the day to write a note to the teacher. The high schoolers knew what they needed to do and for the most part were very self-sufficient.

I am really looking forward to getting some experience in the core subject areas of history, English, math or science. Just so I can get an idea of what those classes may be like.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Autumn in Washington

Autumn arrived a week early in Washington this year. It was as if the state just decided to hell with summer, we are ready for crisp days, freezing nights and, oh yeah, bring on the RAIN. I'm used to California summers that sometimes last through the middle of October, well let me tell you, I do not have my hopes up for that to happen in Washington.

The leaves have already started to change color, and it has started to rain again. In fact I just looked at the forecast for the next four days, and Google is telling me that it will rain 3 out of 4 days. Although, I guess in a state where if it doesn't rain for a week people think that we are going through a drought, the rain is actually a good thing. I mean after all it hasn't rained here in like what...three whole weeks. Probably the driest I have felt since moving up here.

I guess what all this boils down to is if you are planning a visit up here anytime soon, bring your raincoat, galoshes and perhaps a thick wool sweater for the night time, because you are going to need it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Say a prayer...

Next Wednesday, Sept 24th, I will be teaching in a high school classroom...all by myself.

I have signed up as a substitute with the local school district in order to get some real life experience in the classroom and also to pay for school (both equally important). My first job will be in a high school music class. I felt pretty confident that I could handle this assignment, after all, I was in the band from the time I was 10 until I graduated from high school. On and off for 7 years, I should be ok...right? There was another assignment open for teaching math at the same high school on different days, but I figured I should play to my strengths and math has never been one of them. I have been learning in all my classes that the teacher needs to be the authority and I do not want to walk into a setting where my students probably know more about the subject than I do, that wouldn't be fair to anyone; me, the teacher I am subbing for, or the students.

I hope it all goes well...pray for me on Wednesday, I'll need a little help. Not to mention confidence!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Allergies part 2

Wheat, Eggs, & Milk...what do these three items have in common? They are all things I am not allowed to enjoy for at least the next two weeks, and maybe longer :(

My new allergist wants to see if the reason I get so many headaches, among other issues, could be caused by these foods. It is seriously depressing, and might I add expensive to find foods that do not contain these products in them. I am, however, giving it the college try, I figure I owe myself that much to figure out what the true cause of all my headaches may be.

Yesterday Sgt D and I made a trip, for the first time since moving up here, to Trader Joes. They are so wonderful there. They let us taste food before buying it, and told us about their return policy, which can be easily summed up "if you don't like, return it, no questions asked." The other thing they did that I really appreciated was taking us on a brief tour of the store to show us some of the items they carry that I can still eat, and they also printed out a comprehensive list of their gluten free products. There are still somethings on the list that I can't eat because they still have milk or eggs in them, but at least it gave me a starting point.

Here is a list of some of the things I was able to find:
  • Brown Rice Tortillas (actually pretty good, this is what we got to taste in the store)
  • Brown Rice Pasta (last nights dinner, and it tastes just like regular pasta)
  • Brown Rice Bread (this one will require some adjusting too, but at least I can still have some form of bread)
  • Egg free mayonnaise (thank GOD!)
  • Dairy free margarine (haven't tasted it yet, but looking forward to it)
  • Wheat free cereal - Puffins Cinnamon flavor (I have the feeling this will become snack food)
  • Soy Milk, plain & vanilla flavor (Sgt D said he won't be drinking this, so I'll still be buying regular milk too - I can't expect him to follow the diet too, that would be cruel)
  • Wheat free sweet & sour sauce

Sgt D is being pretty wonderful about all this, trying a vast majority of the foods without complaint. He will still have anything he wants for breakfast & lunch, but dinner he (and I) are going to have to adjust to this new diet.

Wish me luck that I can actually stick to this...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Allergies :(

I posted a blog earlier about being allergic to Washington...I wish! Yesterday I went for allergy testing, and of the 50+ things I was tested for, only one came back positive. Wait for it...CATS! I apparently have an allergy to my attack cats, which is why I have been having asthma attacks daily for months and months now. The attack cats are headed back to California to live out their golden years, and I will not be allowed to have anymore of them. The kicker of all of this is that I still have to have allergy shots for cats because I have been having attacks when I'm around other people, which means that my sensitivity is really high and could cause me problems. To say the least I cried....

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Cpl D is now SGT D. That's right people he got promoted. It actually happened on Wednesday, but I have been so slammed with school work and taking a CPR/First Aid class that I haven't had time to post about it. I'm sorry.

Here are some pictures of his promotion ceremony. Let's all celebrate with him!!!

And now for some pushups!

A few words from the Captain...

Don't feel bad if you missed out on the ceremony. I did too, I was in class :(