Monday, January 26, 2009


Four nights a week I am not home for dinner. It bothers me a lot that I do not get to enjoy a meal with my husband on these days, especially in light of his upcoming deployment. Instead of focusing on how much it bugs me, I have started to invest extra effort in the meals that I cook for him ahead of time. On Sunday nights I go through my cookbooks (for the first time Sgt D did this with me yesterday) and I pick out recipes that I will cook during the week and I make my shopping list.

Monday mornings I go grocery shopping, which I find oddly relaxing. I usually have to make two trips, one to the PX (post exchange - kinda like a big Walmart with no food) and one to the Commissary (the grocery store on post). Then I come home and put everything away. Around noon everyday before I make my lunch I start cooking Sgt D's dinner. Today it was a Chicken Tex-Mex Casserole. Tomorrow it will be a beef stew. I try to make things that don't require him to do very much beyond putting something in the oven or turning off the crock pot. He works hard all day and the last thing he wants to do is come home and learn to cook.

It is weird though, I have begun to really enjoy these meals I make for him. Trying to find good recipes that won't require to much work on his part has been fun (if you have any please send them my way). I also like the nice break it provides in my days, which are usually spent doing nothing but homework. It is also a great challenge every week, trying to keep things new, interesting and delicious.

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