Saturday, January 09, 2010


Anybody who knows me knows that I was not blessed with an over abundance of patience. Let's be honest, I was not blessed with any patience. Ever since Baby D was born though, boy have I had some learning to do, and it is a steep learning curve. Here are a few things I've learned:
1. Be patient when changing a diaper, if you do not wait long enough you will either get peed or pooped on, and sometimes...both!

2. Be patient when breastfeeding, if you get frustrated so will the baby and that only leads to getting bit or gummed.

3. Be patient when putting the baby down in her crib, if you put her down before she is truly asleep, it could easily be another hour before she really falls asleep.

4. Be patient with yourself, if you think you should have things down immediately and this is your first baby, then share what you are smoking with me, because it does not all come that easy. It isn't like woosh the baby is out and you become super mom. Nope, you have to work really hard, and even then, you are going to screw up.

If you are really patient you sometimes get rewarded with toothless grins like this one:


Ken said...

She will forgive you for a lack of patience because she is learning too.

Mrs. D said...

Hopefully she learns patience better than I did!