Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rhododendron Gardens

Today it actually felt like summer in Washington. In fact we have had two summer like days in a row. It has been rather amazing. Cpl D and I decided to get out and enjoy some of this gorgeous weather and take some photographs, so we headed up to Federal Way, WA, which is located between Tacoma and Seattle to the Rhododendron Gardens. It was so gorgeous there, although, totally hot and a little uncomfortable due to the fact that there wasn't so much as even a little breeze, but beggars can't be choosers and I'm thrilled to death with the beautiful weather we are having.

I used our wonderful Nikon D80 in an effort to start working on building a true portfolio of the artwork that I love to do, Nature Scene, and Cpl D used our little PhD camera. Here are a couple of pics that I shot.

A view of the Ferns (looking down)

The most beautiful blue I've seen in nature...

More pics will be available on my Google Picasso account once I go through and work on somethings. I am really going to be working hard these next few weeks and months on getting together a marketable portfolio. Wish me luck!

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