Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Congratulate me!

I'm going back to school. I am finally getting that Master's degree that I have been wanting to get for forever and a day. Next Monday, August 11th, I will be starting classes at St. Martin's University, Fort Lewis satellite campus and I will be starting my course towards a triple teaching certificate and a Master's in Teaching. I will be the first person in my family to get an advanced degree as well as the first person in Cpl D's family. Talk about big!

Many people reading this blog may actually be kind of surprised that I am going for teaching, but believe it or not, I actually started my teaching credential about 6 years ago when I was still enrolled in college in California, so it isn't as big of a stretch as all of you might think! I will be going for the following teaching credentials: History (of course!), Social Studies, and Humanities. This will give me the opportunity to teach grades 6 through 12 and the Master's degree gives me the opportunity to go into administration if there are not teaching positions available. For all of you who thought that I didn't like children, I bet you guys are all shocked right now!

Now if anyone would like to donate to the "Send Mrs. D to School Fund" please feel free to email me, I am not so proud that I will say no to a little tuition assistance ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Congrats on going for your Masters degree!