Friday, August 08, 2008

Sad but true...

Cpl D told me a story this morning that made me want to shake my head in shame at my own gender. Apparently during formation yesterday, his battery was lectured on how they need to prepare their wives for the possibility that they may be deployed sometime in the future. This meant "teaching" them the following things: how to drive, where the commissary is located, how to pay bills, etc. I didn't know who to be more disgusted by, these women for not taking a more active role in their own lives and families, I mean seriously, being a full-fledged adult woman and not knowing how to drive, let alone where the commissary is, give me a break! Or should I be more upset with the men, for letting the "little missus" get away with that sort of behaviour.

I can understand how some men like taking care of their wives and how some women really love being taken care of, but at a certain point, you are more of a child than an adult in a relationship, when you don't even know where the commissary is located. (For you non-military folk, the commissary is the grocery store, it is the size of a Costco and rather hard to miss as it is one of the largest buildings on post.) I realize that I am one of very few people in enlisted realm of the army that is pursuing an advanced degree and that being from California I am a little bit more outspoken, and probably in the eyes of some people in the military quite brazen, but I just think that women got the right to drive, vote and do all the things men did a long time ago, and it is a pretty sad state of affairs, when a group of women would rather be taken care of coddled than take advantage of their privileges and rights. It is sadder still that their husbands have to be reminded to teach them how to do such simple tasks as paying an electric bill and finding the commissary.

Sorry for the rant faithful readers, but I couldn't let this one slide...

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