Monday, May 07, 2012

Dear Cell Phone

How I love thee, let me tell you why...

You are my sole connection to my love. When you ring with a crazy jumble of numbers I know that when I hit the connect button I will hear the voice of my dreams on the other end. You have been promoted from my connection to twitter and facebook while at the park to my connection to Toddler D's Daya and my true love. 

For the next 9 months I vow to be exceptionally careful with you. I will endeavor to not drop you anywhere, most especially in any wet places, ie. the toilet. Your safety has suddenly become very important because of the link that you provide.  I will pay your bill on time and make sure that I do not go over my minutes or data plan. I don't want to give Verizon any excuse to shut you down. 

Please continue to receive calls, especially those most important ones from the funny phone numbers.

Yours truly,
Mrs. D

Army wife of deployed soldier


Bonnie said...

When I was with my Marine, I also loved seeing that crazy jumble of numbers, even if it was 3am. Even though he could only call for 20 minutes every week or so (remote area, only satellite phone), I didn't miss a single phone call. It really was the greatest feeling in the world. *hugs*

Bright Angel said...

Got to love the cell phone! I know how important those calls are. Sorry for making you think my call this afternoon might be one. :/ But I hope he gets to call soon!!

Sondra said...

Can't put a value on those phone calls.