Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Yesterday I had my job interview. I am interested in the job even though the pay is considerably less than what I was making in California, I have to keep reminding myself that the cost of living up in Washington is considerably lower than it is in Cali and I am married and with the dual income, I don't have to make nearly as much to survive as I did in California. In order to get the second interview I have some homework to do. I have to analyze the companies website and give my feedback and also design a webinar invite for them. Here is the trick to do all this without fear that my work, if I'm not hired will be used anyways. I am going to put my creative thinking cap on today to figure out that trick.

In the meantime...today is Spc D's and my one month anniversary. I have no idea what I want to do for him, but I would like to do something special. So far, I have managed to do all the laundry in the house and to straighten up, as he is slightly OCD and likes everything to be in it's place...that could also be the army thing in him. The only thing I want is my bed, that is the one thing our apartment is still lacking. As of right now we have given up on the air mattress and have taken to sleeping on the couches. All I can say is thank you to my parents for giving us two of the most comfortable couches on the planet. Here is an as promised picture of our couches in our huge living room.

I better get on with my homework assignment and stop with my procrastinating. Happy Tuesday everyone. Only one more day until the week is over - then on to the Turkey!

1 comment:

Ken said...

U R welcome